
Our Weekly Upkeep packages provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your lawn will be looked after every week. Cut’n’Trim provides you with the same level of care, with the absence of a “set in stone” contract - therefore, allowing you to contact us when you simply want to take a break.

Weekly Upkeep + Fertilizer


What’s Included?

Lawn Mow, Trim, Debris/Leaf Removal, Bag Removal, & Fertilizer.


Weekly Upkeep


What’s Included?

Lawn Mow, Trim, Debris/Leaf Removal, & Bag Removal.

Cut’n’Trim + Fertilizer


What’s Included?

Lawn Mow, Trim, Debris/Leaf Removal, Bag Removal, & Fertilizer.




What’s Included?

Lawn Mow, Trim, Debris/Leaf Removal, & Bag Removal.


*Prices are based on average lot sizes.

About Our Fertilizer

At Lawn Students we pride ourselves in providing quality work and results - our fertilizer (Green NRG) takes no exception. It is specifically formulated to maximize vegetation, as it contains:

  • Naturally occurring biostimulants to enhance nutrient uptake;

  • and Transit-S, derived from natural organic matter to enhance plant growth.

Green NRG is available for purchase outside of our provided services.